We are delighted to announce that Calnex Solutions has achieved Gold standard accreditation from Investors in People.
Organizations that meet the world-recognised IIP standard reflect the very best in people management excellence. Underpinning the Standard is the IIP framework. Based on 25 years of leading practice, the latest research and workplace trends, the IIP framework is organized around nine key indicators of high performance each with three underpinning themes.
To achieve accreditation, organizations are assessed against these themes and indicators, leading to an award level of standard, Silver, Gold or Platinum that represents the level of performance achieved, or the level of ‘maturity’, from a fundamental ‘developed’ level to ‘high performing’. Assessment is carried out using surveys, interviews, meetings and observation.
To quote our IIP assessor “The survey results coupled with the discussions I had provide evidence that Calnex employees feel valued and appreciated and through regular conversations with their managers understand what is expected of them and how their contribution fits with the overall business strategy. They enjoy challenging and interesting work and believe there are opportunities for progression. Overall, your results are very positive and above the IIP average in every indicator”.
To hear this from an external assessor fits with our overall business strategy and is at the essence of what we are trying to achieve at Calnex as an employer. Providing a supportive and positive working environment which encourages autonomy, innovation and creativity is what we set out to do and will continue to do as we move forward.
Claire Wishart
Head of HR